I came back after a looooooooooooooong time. This feels very weird but I´m also feeling excited about this new start (or just continuing the path that I left? A new calling? WHAT?).
You know what, I totally changed the style of this blog. The next thing I will make is a cover to this blog and maybe delete some of my old posts.
Moreover, I decided that I will try to write also in English in order to make more people to understand what I am writing. And I can practise my English this way. Some posts I might write in Finnish and then translate it to English. I also welcome people from different countries and religions to my blog. Every one is more than welcome! Hopefully I can get to know my readers better and just celebrate this life together.

Bonjour! Je m´appelle Iida et J´ai 18 ans. J´ètudie a lycèe et Je viens de la Finlande. J´aime for exemple la musiq, chanter, jouer et yoga. Je veux apprendre plus français. Enchantée! (was it correct?:D) I want to learn lot of languages.
I can speak Finnish (my mother langugage), English, Swedish in a moderate level, basics of French, and a little bit Russian, Italian and Japanese.
My name is Iida and I´m going to graduate from high school this Spring. After graduating, I will have a gap year and hopefully will be a volunteer in Europe. You can read more about me from my profile or just ask.
So what I´m actually going to write about? I will write about thoughs and things that I have pondered, inspirational people and things, vegan food, my way of making a difference, adventures, travelling and simple things in life that matters the most. Well, just about everything that pop in to mind.
Today, it was snowing. The snow was falling slowly. Like it didin´t need to hurry. Like there wasn´t hurry in this world. Just falling. The moment of falling. And it didin´t hurt a bit because snow was falling slowly.
Well, have a nice week. Let´s see how everything goes.