keskiviikko 1. kesäkuuta 2016

Dandelionocean and the Bible break

Translation of the post Voikukkameri ja Raamattubreikki:
The bible break of Ryttylä. A journey in which happened more miracles than in months. An adventure that I didn´t plan at all. Everything happened without anticipating which is why everything was more funny and exciting. The schedule of the break was published on internet and put in bulleting board in Ryttylä. I watched the schedule once on internet at home, but I didin´t watch it at all when I was in Ryttylä. I just followed people, asked for them what is happening and went with the flow. In fact, I didin´t even require schedules as everything happened as it was meant to happen. As God planned. Go with the flow.

Everything started in 20.5 when I turned 19. Yey, my brithday day! Few days before break, I heard that I can share the ride to Ryttylä. Oh yeah, God took care of my ride. I decided that I don´t book train or bustickets. Instead, I prayed that God will handle it. And trusting God worked. My friend took me to his ride and showed me staircases that are located in Ohvana. His hobby is to run staircases. I also wanted to try that and that´s why I also ran the staircases. It was really awesome and I realized that I need to do that more. I also heard that there are staircase competitions in Finland and around the world. I haven´t heard about that before, how cool. Our journey continued as we picked other three travellers to our ride. I knew two of them before and one of them was unknown to me [in that moment].

The first miracle happened on the road. My big sister called me and said that she won a vegan cheece from Hyve&Pahe cafe. She said that I can have the cheece. It was amazing and it happened in my brithday. After that, I knew that this trip will be meaningful. Plus, free vegan cheece. I really felt  thankful and eager!

Our ride was over quickly after talking deep and random things. It´s amazing how in a one ride I could get to know people more deeply. That´s why people should rather  rideshare because then one can get to know people better. And conversations in a car are in many cases unexpected, deep and exciting.
I felt slightly nervous not until Ryttylä. I went to trip alone so I felt nervous how everything will end up. The environment was lovely in Ryttylä. There were flowermeadows, fields and a few houses. So, I could spend weekend in a rural and nature landscapes. At first, I felt nervous and tired after our ride and a little lonely. Nevertheless, I decided that I´m going to get to know new people and talk to stangers [A stranger=A friend that I don´t know yet]. Since the first meal, I went to talk to new people. Immediately, I got to talk with to students from Bible line. It felt very great to talk with nice people and see that in many times only saying "hi" can lead to insightful conversation. You should say "hi" even if you feel nervous, afraid, voice and body are shaking and there is coming spittle from your mouth. Usually then the most miraculous things happens. And then you might get to know beatiful people and expirience amazing experiences.

In the evening, I wanted to be alone for a while. Despite of new friends, I felt anxious and lonely.  I started to wrote to my diary about my feelings and prayed. Something was in my mind. A thing, that I didin´t even know. Then a friend from our ride came to me. She asked me to come with her and I went. We went to a hall where were about to begin teaching and praysing evening. I started to cry after I sat down. I cried out bad feelings and at the same time I was touched that my friend noticed me. She came to me and cared for me even as I wasn´t in that mood.
During the night, a girl asked me that can we talk later. Then we talked and I realized quickly that we have a connection. That´s why we shared our facebook accounts and I want to see her again. After the first conversation, we could talk about personal and deep topics.
In the same evening, I got to know a girl who travelled to Kenya and Israel through the internation line of Ryttylä. It was very nice to talk, drink tea and listen to her adventures. Other people inspire and encourage me. After the conversation, I thought that maybe the international line is also my path. It´s one way to help - by doing missionary work abroad. Well it remains to be seen. If God leads me there, I´m ready to pack my bags and go.

I remember beachvolley tournament, grassjams, teachings about how to live like Jesus and the introduction of international line from Saturday. I also indulged myself with mint drink and carrot pie from Iran cafe named Habibi. I though that this is my brithday cake.

When it comes to that teaching, it was said that Jesus was like a human. He felt anger, sadness, hunger, thirst and so on. That´s why people shouldn´t hide their feelings. Every feeling is worthy. And there should be space for every feeling. For heavy and light ones. In my opinion, there aren´t negative or positive feelings. Some feelings just feel more heavy and other ones more light.
Another insight was that a religious person doesn´t need to help and do good all the time. Sometimes the connection with God is just doing nothing. It´s just being present with God. It was a great insight as I accomplished and accoplished before. But Faith and life shouldn´t be just accomplishing things. Rescue is a gift, good actions doesn´t strengthen it nor does bad actions weaken it. I have realized that I serve God the most when I do things that I love. When I use abilities and features that God have given me. You don´t need to do all. You don´t need to change or save the world alone. It´s enough when you live your life as you wants to. When you take responsibility from your life and your  decisions. It´s pondering everyday what you really want to do and do it. Fulfill your dreams, each and everyone of them even if it takes a lot of time and effort. Sometimes people do things that other people say them to do, want them to do.  After the day, you feel misery because you didin´t do things that you wanted to do. There is only a couple of hours to do things that you really love to do: perhaps reading, jogging, singing, drawing, dancing and the list goes on. It shoudn´t be like that, but it´s everyone´s own choice. You are responsibility for your lfe, for your decisions. If decisions are bad, you can change them. And you shouldn´t wait the time when you can do everything you want to. The time is now. In each and every moment. Waiting takes a lot of time, sometimes forever.
And if you believe in God, let God lead you. But don´t just wait the miracle to happen. God give you a change, but you take leaps. You can say yes or no to opportunity.You should say yes. You can´t never know where it leads you. Of couse, if you sometimes feel like this is not the time or this is not my thing you can say no. But you should ponder why it feels like now isin´t the time. Is it based on fear or something else. If the reason is fear, you should feel it, accept it and say yes. 
If you don´t know what to do, you can ask for God, listen to your heart and just TRUST. Trust that everything will be okay. And if it´s hard to choose, you should remember something that my friend told me: there aren´t right or wrong choices. There are only choices.

There happened lot of things in a day and I had lots of things to ponder. I went out and sat to a bench to write again to my diary about teachings of day, insights, emotions and thoughs. My head was full of all kind of thoughts. Anxiety came back. I was just about to finish and going to dinner when a girl and a boy came to stand next to me. The boy asked whether they could pray for me. Did I have time for that. I said of course I have time for praying. The boy and the girl sat next to me, I sat in the middle. Immediately, I started to cry and my legs started to shake when the girl started to pray. I realized soon that it wasn´t an ordinary prayer. The girl spoke languages. It sounded like a gibberish, but the boy next to me translated it into Finnish. God spoke straight to me through that girl. He said something like:"Don´t be afraid. They are talking through Holy spirit. I love you. I lead you." I can´t remember anything else. In that moment, I couldn´t think or sense what happened around me. I just cried enourmously. I can´t even remember when was the last time I cried so much.

After that the girl and the boy prayed for me in an ordinary way. Then we sat a little moment in a silence. I just cried. They smiled and they shined immense light, love and tranquility. The holy spriti had gone through them. In that moment, I knew that this was the reason [at least one of them] why God had lead me to Ryttylä. I had read about those kind of expiriences before but I couldn´t believe that it happened to me. I just sat in a bench alone and I saw a man talking on a phone. Then I closed my eyes and suddenly I started to speak languages. Words just flooded from my mouth in an uncontrollable way. I spoke and spoke quickly and then slowly. Everything disapeared when I prayed. I was shoked and I though what the hell just happened. Then I just sat, I couldn´t do anything else. I was so shoked, but at the same time tranquility and love filled me. I prayed for God that I could get food because meal time was over. When I went to eating hall, I got food. Thanks God!

In the same evening, there was a praysing evening again. People from The congregation of Tampere told us that they share free tea and discuss about Faith in the streets. I felt like I want to try that too.
I went to be prayed for when I saw a girl. For some reason, I felt like I should pray for her. I started to pray and spoke things about her that I didin´t know in advance. For example, I said that one of her ways to serve Lord is to draw. She told me that she had drawn since she was a child. I was like WHAT. Really?
I also asked that people would pray for my friend that have had harsh time. I wanted that God would help him. In the evening, I sent message to him and he wanted to know what I have realized in the Bible break. I told him lots of things I had realized and he wanted to know more. Eventually, he wrote that my messages make him to feel more at ease. God answered quickly to my prayers. On the contrary, the power of a prayer is bigger when there are many people praying.

In the Saturday, God proved his power for me. I question my faith all the time. I want to explore things and get knowledge of things all the time. To broaden my horizons and not to limit my thoughts. I don´t want to have to strong beliefs, they would narrow my thinking and possible create prejudices. At some times, I´m more faraway from God and in some times very near. But it was the first time when God talked straight to me which strenghtened my Faith. To my mind, Faith should reel time after time. Reels are teachings.

Miracles continued in the Sunday morning. After some coincidences, I ate breakfast with some people. For instance, I talked to a man that was before a Muslim but now he is a Christian. There was also the man who talked in a phone the day before. He started to talk to me and said that he heard that I prayed. He understood what I prayed. After hearing that, I almost fell from my seat and I catched my breath. I though that it was really true. I spoke languages. He has a mercy gift to understand what other people talk in languages.
It wasn´t the only miracle in the morning. Then I talked to a person things about him and he started to cry. He said that things I said was true. I had seen him before but I hadn´t talked with him. He just felt thankful that I told those things. Perhaps that was one reason why he was there.

Sunday went of quickly with teachings. I had time to walk around with my new friend in Ryttylä and go to a market while waiting for my friend who drove me home. My new friend also studies in the Bible line in Ryttylä.
In my home ride there were two people I knew and two new people. So it was also an opporunity to get to know new people.
Weekend ended very quickly but I had VERY lovely time. It was amazing to go without a plan and go with the flow.  I trusted greatly that everything will be okay. And everything went okay. I got new friends, experienced new insights, enormous miracles and trust. Trust that everything shouldn´t be planned in advance. It´s good to plan step by step but not necessarily more [of course depending on the situaton]. Still, the adventure was more enjoyable and exciting when I didin´t plan much in advance and just trust that the universe and the God to took care of you. What about you. Are you able to take a leap of trust? Live a day without a plan?

If you read this posts and in some how was in my adventure: Thank you very much and I send you a BIGGIE hug. I couldn´t wish for better company. I had very fun time with big F. When we do it again?

This post was about my Faith but still it´s suitable for all kind of people - people who believes in God or not or to people between these two. Perhaps this post inspired you, thoughts pop in to your mind or maybe you jumped a somersault (tell me). You can share your thoughts in a comment below or in Facebook if you want to be more private.
What kind of things you want to do this week? Do them, all of them! 
Have a insightful, miraculous and LOVEFILLED week! <3
Hallelujah, I have a few new readers, thank you guys!

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